How to Keep Consumers Forward Facing to Improve Customer Service

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Ariel McCrory

How to Keep Consumers Forward Facing to Improve Customer Service

First impressions are everything in the customer service industry. If a customer walks into a business and is greeted by a messy, cluttered back office, they are likely to be turned off immediately. This can create the impression that the business is unprofessional and disorganized, making it less likely that the customer will use their services. If customers can overhear staff members chatting or arguing in the back office, this can also create a negative impression. In order to avoid turning off potential customers, it is important to make sure that the back office is clean and organized, and that staff members are quiet and professional when interacting with customers. There are certain processes and language that the consumer may not understand that will clutter their first impression. Sometimes if the client doesn’t understand the process or the specific career related words that you’re using, they won’t feel valued or respected. Good customer service means taking the time to listen to what the customer needs and doing everything possible to help them, and properly guide them with language that they will understand. Customers need to be able to easily tell who they need to talk to in order to get the assistance they need.

A dedicated customer service area can also help increase efficiency by allowing employees to focus on their work without distractions. Since 5-star customer service is the goal of every business, it is important to make sure that back-office systems are separated from front office systems. By creating a space that is separate from the rest of the office, businesses can provide their customers with a more private and personal experience. This shows customers that businesses are dedicated to providing them with the best possible experience, which helps to build rapport and trust between the customer and the company. If this is currently an issue, there are a few different ways to achieve this separation – though, the best method may vary depending on the size and layout of your business.

Providing separate entrances and exits, as well as providing dedicated phone lines for the customers and employees, helps provides this space. If you’ve ever stepped into a business and been bombarded by the noise of employees chatting and laughing in the back office, you know how important it is to separate the customer service area from the rest of the business. A few other options would be to use physical barriers such as walls, partitions, or furniture, such as a counter or desk between the two areas. Visual cues such as different flooring, lighting, color schemes or signage to delineate the customer service area from the rest of the space could also assist in creating a space that is inviting, but separate from the employees. This separation will help to ensure that employees can focus on providing outstanding customer service without being distracted by other activities going on in the office. Employees need the separation as well to not only work more efficiently, but to seek refuge when they need a moment to regroup.

Whatever method you choose, separating the customer service area from the back office and keeping your language consumer facing will help to create a more professional and inviting environment for your customers. By creating a positive environment, businesses can increase the chances of making a sale and maintaining a good relationship with their customers.