10 Tips for Hiring Great Administrative Staff

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Ariel McCrory

10 Tips for Hiring Great Administrative Staff

One of the most important keys to success in any business is having a great team of administrative staff. They are the backbone of the business who keep things running smoothly and keep everyone on track. But how do you go about finding and hiring the right people for this important job? Here are 10 tips to help you get started:

1. Define what you need. Before you even start looking for candidates, take some time to sit down and really think about what kind of person you need on your team to best fit this position for your company. Are there specific trade skills that are necessary? If so, what specific skills and qualities are essential? Write them down and use them as a guide throughout the hiring process.

2. Look for people with discipline and focus. An effective administrator needs to be able to stay on task and get things done! This can be difficult at times, especially when there are competing demands on their time. However, it’s essential for them to be able to prioritize and focus on the task at hand in order to keep the company successful.

3. Look for detail-oriented individuals. Excellent administrative staff need to be able to pay attention to detail and handle multiple tasks simultaneously without getting overwhelmed or letting any details slip through the cracks.

4. Be sure that candidates have strong organizational skills. An effective administrator needs to be able to keep track of many different moving parts and ensure that everything is running smoothly. It is hard to do this among chaos – so natural organization is a must!

5. Find people who are good communicators. A common & major aspect of the job is dealing with other people, so it’s important that your administrative staff members have strong communication skills. They’ll need to be able to clearly articulate the company’s vision and objectives to those who report to them. Furthermore, they must be able to listen to others and take their input into consideration when making decisions.

6. Make sure they’re team players. In most cases, your administrative staff will be working closely with others, so it’s important that they’re able to work well in a team setting. They have to “play nice” and lead well in these positions, since it often sets the tone for the rest of the team members.

7. Seek out candidates with a positive attitude. Dealing with the public can be challenging, so you want to make sure that your administrative staff members are upbeat and positive. Negativity leads to poor customer service and that turns business away! Whereas positivity builds up the business in all regards.

8. Look for individuals who are self-starters. The key here is to look for the initiative and drive in someone to do things that need to be done without having to be asked. You don’t want someone who just waits around for instructions – you want someone who is proactive & willing to take charge and get things done.

9. Time management skills are also essential. Your administrative staff will need to be able to manage their time efficiently in order to get everything done in the manner and timeframe for which it needs to be completed.

10. Flexibility and quick problem solving skills are important qualities to look for in this position since things can often change at the last minute, so it’s important that your admin team be flexible and adaptable, especially in management positions.

So, what makes a great administrative staff member? The answer may vary depending on your business, but you’ll want to look for the above general qualities in all your great admin staffers. Once you know which qualities and skills are essential for your line of work, you can begin to look for candidates who fit that description.

By taking the time to define what you need and then being clear about those needs in your job postings, you’re sure to attract qualified candidates who will help take your business to the next level.

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