Manage These 3 Things Well, and Your Business Will Succeed

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Ariel McCrory

Manage These 3 Things Well, and Your Business Will Succeed

There’s no business without problems. In fact, the key to success is learning how to manage problems effectively. The same goes for people. As an entrepreneur, you’ll have to manage a team of employees, contractors, and vendors – and you’ll inevitably need to deal with the logistics, finances, and all of the issues that arise among these operations in your line of work. And when these issues arise, you will need a plan! You’ll need to enact your plan to resolve these issues in a way that maximizes productivity and minimizes stress. While every business faces challenges, the key in these situations is to identify the problem quickly and then take action to resolve it, even under high pressure and stress. This might involve coming up with a new plan, making some changes to your operations, or even hiring new staff. Whatever the solution is, it is necessary to act fast, calm and efficiently to get the problem under control.

As you learn to manage problems, people, and stress well, you will find that these 3 skills are key to the success of your business.

You can start effectively managing problems, people, and stress by:

  • Developing strong systems
  • Correctly setting expectations
  • Staying Positive and Organized while Adapting to Surroundings

Manage Problems by Developing Strong Systems

Whether it’s a disagreement between employees or a conflict of interest between departments, conflict is a natural part of work. However, conflict doesn’t have to be a bad thing. Conflict can be an opportunity to develop stronger systems and processes. By managing conflict effectively, organizations can actually improve communication and collaboration, and build a stronger foundation for future growth. When conflict is handled well it can be a positive force that drives an organization forward. (Needless to say, when conflict is poorly managed it can lead to problems such as decreased productivity, team dysfunction, and even legal issues!)

As you develop strong systems to provide guidelines for conflict resolution and objection handling, you will need to create an operations manual with policies and procedures for dealing with each type of objection. For example, you might have a policy for dealing with employee absences, another for handling customer complaints, and so on. By having strong systems in place, you’ll have one step forward in quickly and efficiently resolving issues without panicking.

For help in writing an operations manual, check out this blog post!

Manage People by Correctly Setting Expectations

One of the most important things you can do as a manager is to set clear expectations for your employees. This means communicating what is expected of them in their job description, and being clear about any deadlines or targets that need to be met. It also means setting a standard of performance that you expect them to uphold. When expectations are clearly communicated and understood, it helps employees to know what is expected of them, and it helps to prevent problems down the line. Additionally, it can help to boost morale and motivation, as employees feel appreciated and valued when they know what is expected of them.

This also means taking into account each individual’s personality type and setting expectations accordingly. Some personality types are more likely to need frequent feedback in order to feel motivated, while others may prefer to be given more autonomy. Once you understand the personality types of your team members, you can start to tailor your management style to best suit their needs. This will not only help them to be more productive, but also to feel appreciated and valued in the workplace. In turn, this will lead to a more positive and cohesive team dynamic.

For help in managing different personality types among your staff and business relations, check out this blog post!

Manage Stress by Staying Positive and Organized while Adapting to Surroundings

Stress is a commonality amongst business professionals. According to the American Institute of Stress, “43% of adults suffer adverse health effects from stress.” It is important to learn how to manage stress so it does not impede business productivity. A positive mindset is a great way to begin managing stress – and can be achieved by thinking words of affirmation such as “I am capable” or “I will succeed” instead of negativity that overwhelms your mindset and discipline.

Organizing both time and desk space can also help lessen feelings of stress. When surroundings are cluttered, it can subconsciously add to feelings of anxiety. Having a planned schedule and keeping track of deadlines will help you to stay on top of everything!

Business professionals must also be adaptive to change. The business world is always rapidly changing, so being able to adapt quickly can help reduce stress levels. Take deep breaths and roll with the punches. Sometimes a breathe of fresh air can help clear your mind and assess an issue from a removed perspective to see the solution. Maintain your calm – especially in leadership – under high stress, and your team members will begin doing the same.

For help on staying disciplined and determined to maintain a positive mindset, check out this blog post!

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